


Life,笑着让步 if you want to live without getting tired, don't be precious, mix everything with a kick in, can you not be tired? If you hold everything and refuse to let go, can you not get tired? If people's hearts are too narrow, no one is willing to associate with you, life is not generous, and a small belly will only make people disgusted。


Be a person, if the heart is calculated, there are complaints everywhere, be a person, if the heart is relaxed, it is always spring, do not have to be afraid of loss, it is okay to lose a little later in life, do not feel that concession is no face, you must have a mind to be able to hold others。


Being a loving person can be strong, and no matter how big the wind and rain can be carried. In this life, long is not long, short is not short, life is a gift, no one can waste, living and being happy is the greatest success, believe that people who take the initiative to admit mistakes are responsible people, and those who smile and give in are brave。